
Students in dining hall

Dining FAQ

Questions About Our Dining Plan?

How do I sign up?

You have already been registered as a Meal Plan Participant, and do not need to do anything "special" when you arrive.

Where do I buy Bear Bucks?

Bear Bucks can be purchased from the Enrollment Services Office. Then, bring your receipt and your ID card to the Dining Office.

What do I do if I lose my Dining/ID card?

Lost cards must be reported immediately to Public Safety (413-782-1207). You can obtain a replacement card at Public Safety Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Can a friend use my Meal Plan Meals or Bear Bucks?

For your protection, Dining/ID Cards are not transferrable.

If you have additional questions not answered here, call the Director of Dining Services at 413-796-2014.